Construction Specs

Construction specs include individual flotation chambers and extra-heavy wall thickness create tremendous structural integrity. We have elimated the need for foam fillings and the environmental concerns related to them are completely eliminated. Special connection couplers are designed to allow sections to move independently under high-stress conditions, yet provide unified stability. Made with recycled material, the couplers are compounded to prevent fatigue problems. The composite coupler bolt and nut eliminate rusting in all water condition
What makes EZ Dock the most stable floating dock system on the market?
- Have a patented hollow-chamber that creates pressure and suction.
- Cool to the touch even on the hottest of summer days, attractively beige colored
- Friendly to the environment, since there is no foam.
- Rotomolded from low-linear density polyethylene,
- The light beige color allows light penetration, but is not hurt by UV rays.
- Patented coupler connectors are used to attach the dock sections.
- The special coupler design allows flexibility that works with the waves—not against them.
- Patented design features work together to create a more stable dock, pontoon, or jetty.
- Easily configured to fit your specific docking needs
Designed For Easy Installation
Sections and accessories have a minimum of components and require just a few hand tools to install.
Extra-thick polyethylene sections provide superior resistance to impacts and temperature extremes. Patented connection method allows sections to move independently under extreme stress conditions and eliminates fatigue problems common to other floating designs.
Special texture, grid pattern and drain channels prevent standing water and provide a non-slip walking surface. Beige color absorbs less heat to stay cool to the touch. No sharp edges to injure people or damage boats. Advanced engineering eliminates the need to use questionable materials like treated lumber and foams. No formaldehyde to leach into water, no foam to escape!
No rotting lumber to replace, No floatation drums to sink. Linear Low Density Polyethylene with UV stabilizers is specifically formulated for outdoor use. Not harmed by gas or oil, won’t deteriorate from exposure to Ultra-Violet light and resists temperature extremes. Highly buoyant sections displace only 2″ of water, so they are unaffected by most ice conditions. In many cases docks can be left in all year.
Because floatation is distributed evenly throughout the entire installation, the dock tends to span the crest of waves instead of “riding” them like flotation barrels with decking will. The dock feels very stable even in heavy wind and wave conditions.
Special connection design allows sections to move independently under extreme stress conditions, yet provides a unitized effect. Made from 90%+ recycled material, the couplers also eliminate fatigue problems common to ordinary designs.
No splintered wood, rusty nails, or sharp edges to injure people or mar boats. Special texturing and grid pattern delivers a surface coefficient of friction result that exceeds the ADA (American Disabilities Act) requirement, wet or dry. Drain troughs on deck prevent standing water.
Heavy-duty stainless steel T-nuts are molded in pairs around section perimeters. Each T-nut provides more than 1-ton of holding power. Tie-down cleats, curbing, or other accessories are easily attached.
Whatever you call your dock, EZ Dock invites you to walk on the competition, and then walk on an EZ Dock before your make your purchase. You will feel and see the difference with your very first step!
The extra thick deck and wall delivers maximum durability and reduces distortion. Even more thickness is built into radius areas for additional strength where impacts occur.
Virgin polyethylene with UV inhibitors is specifically formulated for outdoor use. Not harmed by gas or oil, won’t rot or become brittle, & remains flexible to 130 degrees below zero. If ever damaged, sections are on-site repairable.
Dark colors absorb and hold heat. Light colored objects reflect heat so they stay cooler. Not only is this important to bare feet, it protects the dock as well; an over-heated Poly-type dock can become soft, and be prone to distortion.
The EZ Dock System is easily configured to suit most any need. Combine various size sections and accessories to create a simple swim platform or an elaborate multiple-slip marina.
Customize your set-up to suit your needs perfectly. Choose from a wide variety of anchoring systems, gangway sizes, railing styles and more.
ez dock FAQ’s
All EZ Dock products are in-stock and ready to be delivered. Most docks can be delivered and installed right away so you can begin enjoying your dock immediately.
EZ Dock can deliver and install your dock for you. You can also install it yourself. Most docks can be installed in a day or two with just you and a helper.
A coupler installation tool (about $40) is the only special tool that you will need to assemble the EZ Dock sections. A hammer, ratchet, 15/16″ socket, coupler socket tool (provided with couplers), and a phillips head screwdriver is all it takes.
Consider the fact that the EZ Dock design eliminates up to 60% of the components that other manufactured dock systems need for assembly. It takes only one connection point to make twenty feet of EZ Dock, versus up to seven connection points on ordinary systems. It really is simple and EZ! And, the sections can be assembled on land or in the water.
The EZ Dock one-piece sections contain no fillers or foam for floatation. Their uniquely engineered design forms chambers that displace water and trap air for buoyancy.
The light color of EZ Dock helps keep the deck surfaces cooler than just about any other deck surface. Shade Structures can always be added to EZ Dock.
EZ Dock uses a UV-8 inhibitor in all of its products. These inhibitors range from UV-1 being the lowest protection to UV-8 being the largest protection. We also produce an extremely thick product (about 3/8″ average thickness). The final defense against UV is the light tan color of the dock.
EZ Dock will provide a long-life of maintenance-free enjoyment. An occasional wash with soap and water is about all that is required to keep the dock looking new.
EZ Dock offers several anchoring options to keep your floating dock safe and secure in all conditions. Pipes, dead-weight anchors, and stiff arms are all anchoring options available to you. EZ Dock offers brackets and anchoring hardware to accommodate just about any lake conditions.
The EZ Dock surfaces have a non-skid texture molded into the dock sections. The docks also have grooves to channel the water away. These two items work together to provide safe footing, even when the deck surface is wet.
EZ Dock is manufactured from low-density polyethylene that will not damage the finish on any boat or PWC.
EZ Dock offers wooden gangway kits, polyethylene gangways, and 3′ to 5′ wide aluminum gangways in lengths from 10′ to 25′.
Dock sections are 15″ high and will draft about 2″ of water resulting in a really nice 13″ freeboard height.
EZ Dock is just about the most environmentally friendly product that you can put on the water. Our dock sections do not rust, splinter, dissolve, or have any paint or chemicals that can harm the environment.
EZ Dock was started in 1989 by Jack Neitzke and Cliff Vierus. Jack owns a Harbor on the Mississippi near Winoma, MN and had decided to update his entire dock system. As he shopped around and looked at different brands and styles of docks, he felt that everything currently available required too much maintenance, had too many parts, was too difficult to install or change once installed, needed to be taken out in the winter, or was just plain too expensive.
Well, Jack explained all this to Cliff, and the two of them set out to design a dock system, which would resolve those issues. In 1991 the first EZ Dock prototype sections were rotational molded and went into use at Jack’s Harbor. Today, those original 78 sections are still in use YEAR ROUND.
NO! The Composite Materials Center at Winona State University has performed various tests and measurements on the EZ Dock sections which prove that even if you took a chain saw and opened the dock sections from top to bottom the dock would only lower about 1.6” further into the water, the interior pylons would each continue to support about 55lbs apiece.
This means that the smaller section could continue to support 330 lbs and the larger one would continue to support about 500lbs. Even if you flooded the interior pylons, it still won’t sink under its own load because the density of the polyethylene is less than that of water.
While it would have been easier to build a float that contained foam, our advanced structural design has completely eliminated the need for foam. Simply put, our float doesn’t need foam for structural integrity, flotation or for any other reason.
Our decision to NOT use foam was based upon the advise we received from water use experts with several different State’s Departments of Natural Resources, and others, like the U.S Army Corps of Engineers. Their concern was for the long range detrimental effects on the environment of foam which could potentially escape if a float is damaged.
First, consider that the average wall and deck thickness is anywhere from two to four times thicker than ordinary foam filled floatation devices. So, it’s very unlikely that even under extreme conditions the EZ Dock float/deck would develop a leak. But, if it did, you would simply drain the water and repair the affected area with a heat source like a soldering iron.
While there will always be a floating sensation on any floating dock, there are differences between dock designs. The EZ Dock being one long, continuous, float, reduces these effects considerably. Consider the fact that when you walk on a conventional floating dock which uses decking to span between floats, your weight is mostly concentrated on only one float which has about 13 square feet of water-to-float surface contact.
But, when you walk on an EZ Dock your weight is distributed over a minimum of 35 square feet of water-to-float contact area. That’s nearly 3 times more area! With regard to wave action, consider that the EZ Dock float/deck section, must because of its length and connection to other sections, rise to the top of waves and therefore bridges them. EZ Dock doesn’t act like a sea serpent trying to be high and low at different points.
Ice, and extreme cold weather do not affect the EZ Dock float/deck. The polyethylene remains flexible to –90 degrees Fahrenheit and the floats are only drafting about 1.5” of water, meaning that ice pressure will force the float upward, not inward. If you know however that there will be an ice pressure push affecting your installation, we recommend that you remove the pipes or pilings so that the pipes won’t be bent by that force.
EZ Dock float/decks have a special thread pattern which provides good traction when they’re dry. When they’re wet, the adhesion factor actually increases. Polyethelyne is not a good heat conductor. That, and it’s lighter color help to keep your EZ Dock cool to the touch.
It has been said that there are two costs involved with any purchase. The initial cost to buy a product, and the cost of ownership. While there may be other systems available for less money, there are certainly just as many available for more money as well.
We never intended for the EZ Dock system to be the cheapest to buy, only the least expensive to own! Our design provides for a long (25 to 30 years expected) and trouble free (rubber couplers provide for flexing and eliminate component fatigue) lifetime of usage.
EZ Dock provides an 8 year warranty on the floating docks (see warranty). If a dock section should fail due to a manufacturing defect the dock is replaced with a new dock, not a prorated amount but a new replacement dock.
EZ Dock provides extended warranty services for up to twenty years based on customer requirements.
ez dock TIPS
EZ Dock is delivered with a 13.5″ free board (the distance between the top surface of the dock and the water).
Some dock applications are better served with less free board, such as docks used by rowing teams. It is easy to adjust the free board and we simply put a removable “plug” in each dock in the coupler pocket and pump water into the dock until it provides the desired free board.
Using a plug with threads the water can be removed by simply reversing the process. This installation uses a 5″ free board which provides rowing teams easy access on and off boats.

The key to docking a personal water craft [PWC] on an EZ Port 3 is control of the Waverunner.
Any PWC with reverse makes it easier to bring the nose of the Waverunner to touch the first roller in the water. Once you have come to a stop with the nose of the Waverunner against the roller then accelerate and “climb” the machine onto the dock. Hitting the first roller or either side of the dock near the roller while moving can damage the hull of the Waverunner.
The recommended process for docking the machine is to use reverse if you have it on your PWC and stop forward motion – when the roller and hull are aligned, then give the Waverunner throttle to roll over the first roller and next three. If you do not have reverse approach the EZ Port 3 as slowly as possible but stay centered on the roller.

A hinge kit comes with two connection points – each hinge has a hinge plate and a J Bracket. The J Bracket attaches to the EZ Port by inserting the J Bracket in the top pocket with the hardware connector in the bottom pocket. This secures the part of the hinge that is mounted on the EZ Port.
The other half of the hinge is a flat bracket that has holes for lag bolts. The two pieces (J Bracket and Hinge Plate) are joined using a hinge pin which slides through the two pieces and is secured with a cotter pin.
Once installed It is easy to remove the Port from the floating dock – you simply pull the cotter pin out and slide the pin out – and your EZ Port is disconnected.
Note: Depending on the free board of your existing floating dock the hinge plate can be mounted in the up (raised position above the J bracket) or at the same height as the J Bracket.
One hinge kit is adequate for securing up to three EZ Ports depending on the degree of rough water at the site.
The “key” to a successful installation is marking the location for the lag bolts.
- mount the J Bracket and secure it to the EZ Port
- slide the hinge pin through the J Bracket and the hinge plate and secure it with a cotter pin
- while standing/kneeling on the EZ Port hold the hinge plate against the existing floating dock and mark where the lag bolts will be located.
KEY – you must have your weight on the EZ Port and no one on the dock you are attaching to when you mark the position for the lag bolts. This negative load will then insure that when your PWC is on the EZ Port the back end will rise and keep the jet drive completely out of the water. The negative load on the installation when marking the spot for the lag bolts is critical.
Increasing the Efficiency of your EZ Port 2, 3 and 4
We hear from customers that it is difficult to launch their watercraft and they have to strain and lift the machine with one or more people pushing.
There are two things you can do to eliminate this problem and make launching and docking easy for any owners:
1. Grease the rollers each year: this requires a special tip that will fit on any grease gun and you can use the Lincoln Grease Needle LNC-5803 (see photo below). This part is available from many other online tool stores on the web (google Lincoln Grease Needle LNC-5803).
2. Adjust the rollers: the watercraft should be resting on the rollers, not the dock. If they are adjusted properly the machine will rock slightly from side to side when on the dock which keeps the watercraft off the dock while launching or docking. There are several roller adjustments you can make that either raise or lower the rollers with the third roller (on the Port 3) the most critical.

When installing the skate wheel roller and spacer for difficult to move machines make sure the roller is placed in this position on each side of the Port Max.
This will provide the best platform on which to roll the machine, especially the more difficult hull of some of the Yamaha PWCs.
Every PWC should roll easily on and off the dock using this wheel position.

To keep your docks looking like new simply use a power washer and use the high pressure stream of water to remove dirt and grime. A good high pressure power washer should clean your docks without any soap or cleaner most of the time.

The industry’s first dock ladder to remove itself automatically when not in use is now available for fixed and floating docks. Gone is the marine growth and barnacles that have been a part of every ladder prior to the introduction of the FloatStep ladder.
Flip up ladders, pull up ladders and all other variations of dock ladders fail when someone forgets to remove the ladder after each use. Fixed ladder steps remaining in the water are a constant problem to customers causing injury and aggravation. Even if you have a removable ladder the increased danger of being in the water unexpectedly and not being able to access the ladder is a greater risk.
How to measure for a FloatStep Ladder
- Measure from the top of your dock to the lowest water mark.
- Add a minimum of one (1) foot to measurement.
- The resultant number tells you how many steps your ladder should have – see Example below.
Note : Adding the additional 1 foot length to the measurement will allow for safe and constant ladder availability.

- The top of your dock to the lowest water mark measures 3 ft.
- Add 1 ft. to your measurement
- You will need a 4 Step ladder
If you need a floating dock with different heights EZ Dock can be stacked two, three or four levels high.
This is a common application when different levels are required for boarding different boats that have different heights. One section of the dock could have a 13″ free board, another 26″, another 39″.
Your EZ Dock Dealer can assist you in the hardware required to accomplish this type of installation. Often times commercial transport applications required different levels of dock for loading.

To uncouple EZ Dock section your will need a socket adapter tool which fits on a standard 3/4” socket drive. The tool is an adapter that will fit the coupler nut that holds the top and bottom coupler together between the dock sections. The socket adapter has a star shapped pattern that is designed to fit into the same pattern on the coupler nut.
The black couplers (some people call the dog bones due to their similar shape) consist of a top coupler, bottom bottom coupler and a black plastic poly bolt and nut. The only “trick” to taking the dock sections apart is not to lose the bottom coupler which can fall out if you do not use a string on the coupler bolt for retrieval (see note below regarding string).
Simply back off the plastic nut and remove the top coupler with a flat screw driver prying it out of the dock pocket. This will expose the black poly bolt that is left – do this for each coupler in the line that is holding the one dock section together. Only disconnect one dock at a time.
- There are six couplers if docks are joined side to side
- There are four couplers between the 80″ X 10′ dock sections
- There are three couplers between a 60″ X 10′ dock sections
- There are two couplers between the 40″ X 10′ dock sections

Remove only one row of coupler nuts at a time (one dock section at a time).
Once you have the nut and top black coupler removed tie a string using a “slip knot” around the threads of each coupler bolt that is exposed and replace the coupler nut over the string. Stradling the two dock sections that are joined rock the docks and the coupler bottom and bolt will fall out. Keeping the string in your hand pull the string between the docks and bring the couplers to the top of the dock (otherwise the bottom coupler and bolt will fall to the bottom – they do not float).
Pipe Brackets
Pipe brackets can be removed in a similar manner – the Heavy Duty pipe brackets use couplers, the Light Duty pipe brackets use screws to join the upper and lower pieces.
Piling Brackets
Piling brackets can be disconnected easily.
Hinge Kits
Hinges kits simply have a cotter pin and straight pin that is removed to separate an EZ Dock that was connected to a wood dock.
Dock Cleats
Cleats on a dock make it easy to secure the dock section after it is disconnected from the system and the cleats are strong enough to allow a dock section to be lifted by dock lines on the cleats if you have a way to hoist the dock section.
Otherwise just pull the dock section on to what dock is left and then carry it from the water via the gangway or beach path.
The socket adapater is part number 900005 and has a cost of $1. The official name of the part is DRIVE TOOL SOCKET FOR COMPOSITE PRODUCT.
Removing Couplers
If you are removing couplers for any reason remove the nut on the top coupler, tie a string around the threads of the bolt that the nut was covering and rock the dock by standing over the connection point. The bottom coupler will drop out and you can retrieve the bottom coupler and bolt easily for re-use.Many times a cracked or punctured EZ Dock section can be repaired by simply melting the polyethylene dock material with a torch or plastic welding iron (a large hot metal iron that melts the plastic together). Occasionally we have customers that have punctured or cut the dock with bullets, boat propeller from an outboard engine or some other accident and we use an old dock section to piece a repair and melt that into the open hole. If you have stress cracks near coupler pockets they normally occur after constant large storms due to extreme pressure on the dock. At times these cracks can be repaired in the same manner, melting the material together, but if it is in place that receives a lot of stress it may not hold.
The EZ Dock system includes couplers which are designed to break before a dock section cracks which is the reason the docks are provided with an 8 year warranty. EZ Dock is the most durable dock system available today and issues regarding cracks from storm damage are extremely rare.
You also have a “weep hole” on the end of each dock section that allows the dock to change pressure inside as atmospheric conditions change outside. At times in rough water we have seen water enter the docks through the weep hole but this is normally in salt water applications where waves are bouncing off a bulkhead and back into the dock system. This year EZ Dock introduced a new vent which can be used that will prevent any water from entering the dock regardless of rough water conditions. These can be inserted into a hole in the end of the dock while you seal the original “vent hole” that has been included since the docks were invented 20 years ago. You can plug the old vent hole with any silicone material similar to bathtub caulk.
Draining docks is a simple process – drill a hole in one corner on the edge of the dock near the top, drain the water, and purchase a threaded plastic plug from Home Depot of the same size you make the hole, the plug will prevent water from entering the dock through the drain hole you created. Since the entire dock section is an open chamber only one hole is required to drain the entire dock.
ez dock Owners Manuals
View our variety of EZ Dock configurations, accessories, such as our kayak rack and Sunstream Floatlift, ramps and gangways, EZ Ports and ADA approved EZ Launch.
EZ Dock is proud to partner with Sourcewell (formerly known as NJPA — The National Joint Powers Alliance). Sourcewell is a national cooperative government partner that focuses on your success by giving you a less complicated way to purchase what you need. By handling the competitive bid process for you, Sourcewell enables you to satisfy local bid requirements quickly and effectively.
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The benefits of Sourcewell:
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Construction Specs

Construction specs include individual flotation chambers and extra-heavy wall thickness create tremendous structural integrity. We have elimated the need for foam fillings and the environmental concerns related to them are completely eliminated. Special connection couplers are designed to allow sections to move independently under high-stress conditions, yet provide unified stability. Made with recycled material, the couplers are compounded to prevent fatigue problems. The composite coupler bolt and nut eliminate rusting in all water condition
What makes EZ Dock the most stable floating dock system on the market?
- Have a patented hollow-chamber that creates pressure and suction.
- Cool to the touch even on the hottest of summer days, attractively beige colored
- Friendly to the environment, since there is no foam.
- Rotomolded from low-linear density polyethylene,
- The light beige color allows light penetration, but is not hurt by UV rays.
- Patented coupler connectors are used to attach the dock sections.
- The special coupler design allows flexibility that works with the waves—not against them.
- Patented design features work together to create a more stable dock, pontoon, or jetty.
- Easily configured to fit your specific docking needs
Designed For Easy Installation
Sections and accessories have a minimum of components and require just a few hand tools to install.
Extra-thick polyethylene sections provide superior resistance to impacts and temperature extremes. Patented connection method allows sections to move independently under extreme stress conditions and eliminates fatigue problems common to other floating designs.
Special texture, grid pattern and drain channels prevent standing water and provide a non-slip walking surface. Beige color absorbs less heat to stay cool to the touch. No sharp edges to injure people or damage boats. Advanced engineering eliminates the need to use questionable materials like treated lumber and foams. No formaldehyde to leach into water, no foam to escape!
No rotting lumber to replace, No floatation drums to sink. Linear Low Density Polyethylene with UV stabilizers is specifically formulated for outdoor use. Not harmed by gas or oil, won’t deteriorate from exposure to Ultra-Violet light and resists temperature extremes. Highly buoyant sections displace only 2″ of water, so they are unaffected by most ice conditions. In many cases docks can be left in all year.
Because floatation is distributed evenly throughout the entire installation, the dock tends to span the crest of waves instead of “riding” them like flotation barrels with decking will. The dock feels very stable even in heavy wind and wave conditions.
Special connection design allows sections to move independently under extreme stress conditions, yet provides a unitized effect. Made from 90%+ recycled material, the couplers also eliminate fatigue problems common to ordinary designs.
No splintered wood, rusty nails, or sharp edges to injure people or mar boats. Special texturing and grid pattern delivers a surface coefficient of friction result that exceeds the ADA (American Disabilities Act) requirement, wet or dry. Drain troughs on deck prevent standing water.
Heavy-duty stainless steel T-nuts are molded in pairs around section perimeters. Each T-nut provides more than 1-ton of holding power. Tie-down cleats, curbing, or other accessories are easily attached.
Whatever you call your dock, EZ Dock invites you to walk on the competition, and then walk on an EZ Dock before your make your purchase. You will feel and see the difference with your very first step!
The extra thick deck and wall delivers maximum durability and reduces distortion. Even more thickness is built into radius areas for additional strength where impacts occur.
Virgin polyethylene with UV inhibitors is specifically formulated for outdoor use. Not harmed by gas or oil, won’t rot or become brittle, & remains flexible to 130 degrees below zero. If ever damaged, sections are on-site repairable.
Dark colors absorb and hold heat. Light colored objects reflect heat so they stay cooler. Not only is this important to bare feet, it protects the dock as well; an over-heated Poly-type dock can become soft, and be prone to distortion.
The EZ Dock System is easily configured to suit most any need. Combine various size sections and accessories to create a simple swim platform or an elaborate multiple-slip marina.
Customize your set-up to suit your needs perfectly. Choose from a wide variety of anchoring systems, gangway sizes, railing styles and more.
ez dock FAQ’s
All EZ Dock products are in-stock and ready to be delivered. Most docks can be delivered and installed right away so you can begin enjoying your dock immediately.
EZ Dock can deliver and install your dock for you. You can also install it yourself. Most docks can be installed in a day or two with just you and a helper.
A coupler installation tool (about $40) is the only special tool that you will need to assemble the EZ Dock sections. A hammer, ratchet, 15/16″ socket, coupler socket tool (provided with couplers), and a phillips head screwdriver is all it takes.
Consider the fact that the EZ Dock design eliminates up to 60% of the components that other manufactured dock systems need for assembly. It takes only one connection point to make twenty feet of EZ Dock, versus up to seven connection points on ordinary systems. It really is simple and EZ! And, the sections can be assembled on land or in the water.
The EZ Dock one-piece sections contain no fillers or foam for floatation. Their uniquely engineered design forms chambers that displace water and trap air for buoyancy.
The light color of EZ Dock helps keep the deck surfaces cooler than just about any other deck surface. Shade Structures can always be added to EZ Dock.
EZ Dock uses a UV-8 inhibitor in all of its products. These inhibitors range from UV-1 being the lowest protection to UV-8 being the largest protection. We also produce an extremely thick product (about 3/8″ average thickness). The final defense against UV is the light tan color of the dock.
EZ Dock will provide a long-life of maintenance-free enjoyment. An occasional wash with soap and water is about all that is required to keep the dock looking new.
EZ Dock offers several anchoring options to keep your floating dock safe and secure in all conditions. Pipes, dead-weight anchors, and stiff arms are all anchoring options available to you. EZ Dock offers brackets and anchoring hardware to accommodate just about any lake conditions.
The EZ Dock surfaces have a non-skid texture molded into the dock sections. The docks also have grooves to channel the water away. These two items work together to provide safe footing, even when the deck surface is wet.
EZ Dock is manufactured from low-density polyethylene that will not damage the finish on any boat or PWC.
EZ Dock offers wooden gangway kits, polyethylene gangways, and 3′ to 5′ wide aluminum gangways in lengths from 10′ to 25′.
Dock sections are 15″ high and will draft about 2″ of water resulting in a really nice 13″ freeboard height.
EZ Dock is just about the most environmentally friendly product that you can put on the water. Our dock sections do not rust, splinter, dissolve, or have any paint or chemicals that can harm the environment.
EZ Dock was started in 1989 by Jack Neitzke and Cliff Vierus. Jack owns a Harbor on the Mississippi near Winoma, MN and had decided to update his entire dock system. As he shopped around and looked at different brands and styles of docks, he felt that everything currently available required too much maintenance, had too many parts, was too difficult to install or change once installed, needed to be taken out in the winter, or was just plain too expensive.
Well, Jack explained all this to Cliff, and the two of them set out to design a dock system, which would resolve those issues. In 1991 the first EZ Dock prototype sections were rotational molded and went into use at Jack’s Harbor. Today, those original 78 sections are still in use YEAR ROUND.
NO! The Composite Materials Center at Winona State University has performed various tests and measurements on the EZ Dock sections which prove that even if you took a chain saw and opened the dock sections from top to bottom the dock would only lower about 1.6” further into the water, the interior pylons would each continue to support about 55lbs apiece.
This means that the smaller section could continue to support 330 lbs and the larger one would continue to support about 500lbs. Even if you flooded the interior pylons, it still won’t sink under its own load because the density of the polyethylene is less than that of water.
While it would have been easier to build a float that contained foam, our advanced structural design has completely eliminated the need for foam. Simply put, our float doesn’t need foam for structural integrity, flotation or for any other reason.
Our decision to NOT use foam was based upon the advise we received from water use experts with several different State’s Departments of Natural Resources, and others, like the U.S Army Corps of Engineers. Their concern was for the long range detrimental effects on the environment of foam which could potentially escape if a float is damaged.
First, consider that the average wall and deck thickness is anywhere from two to four times thicker than ordinary foam filled floatation devices. So, it’s very unlikely that even under extreme conditions the EZ Dock float/deck would develop a leak. But, if it did, you would simply drain the water and repair the affected area with a heat source like a soldering iron.
While there will always be a floating sensation on any floating dock, there are differences between dock designs. The EZ Dock being one long, continuous, float, reduces these effects considerably. Consider the fact that when you walk on a conventional floating dock which uses decking to span between floats, your weight is mostly concentrated on only one float which has about 13 square feet of water-to-float surface contact.
But, when you walk on an EZ Dock your weight is distributed over a minimum of 35 square feet of water-to-float contact area. That’s nearly 3 times more area! With regard to wave action, consider that the EZ Dock float/deck section, must because of its length and connection to other sections, rise to the top of waves and therefore bridges them. EZ Dock doesn’t act like a sea serpent trying to be high and low at different points.
Ice, and extreme cold weather do not affect the EZ Dock float/deck. The polyethylene remains flexible to –90 degrees Fahrenheit and the floats are only drafting about 1.5” of water, meaning that ice pressure will force the float upward, not inward. If you know however that there will be an ice pressure push affecting your installation, we recommend that you remove the pipes or pilings so that the pipes won’t be bent by that force.
EZ Dock float/decks have a special thread pattern which provides good traction when they’re dry. When they’re wet, the adhesion factor actually increases. Polyethelyne is not a good heat conductor. That, and it’s lighter color help to keep your EZ Dock cool to the touch.
It has been said that there are two costs involved with any purchase. The initial cost to buy a product, and the cost of ownership. While there may be other systems available for less money, there are certainly just as many available for more money as well.
We never intended for the EZ Dock system to be the cheapest to buy, only the least expensive to own! Our design provides for a long (25 to 30 years expected) and trouble free (rubber couplers provide for flexing and eliminate component fatigue) lifetime of usage.
EZ Dock provides an 8 year warranty on the floating docks (see warranty). If a dock section should fail due to a manufacturing defect the dock is replaced with a new dock, not a prorated amount but a new replacement dock.
EZ Dock provides extended warranty services for up to twenty years based on customer requirements.
ez dock TIPS
EZ Dock is delivered with a 13.5″ free board (the distance between the top surface of the dock and the water).
Some dock applications are better served with less free board, such as docks used by rowing teams. It is easy to adjust the free board and we simply put a removable “plug” in each dock in the coupler pocket and pump water into the dock until it provides the desired free board.
Using a plug with threads the water can be removed by simply reversing the process. This installation uses a 5″ free board which provides rowing teams easy access on and off boats.

The key to docking a personal water craft [PWC] on an EZ Port 3 is control of the Waverunner.
Any PWC with reverse makes it easier to bring the nose of the Waverunner to touch the first roller in the water. Once you have come to a stop with the nose of the Waverunner against the roller then accelerate and “climb” the machine onto the dock. Hitting the first roller or either side of the dock near the roller while moving can damage the hull of the Waverunner.
The recommended process for docking the machine is to use reverse if you have it on your PWC and stop forward motion – when the roller and hull are aligned, then give the Waverunner throttle to roll over the first roller and next three. If you do not have reverse approach the EZ Port 3 as slowly as possible but stay centered on the roller.

A hinge kit comes with two connection points – each hinge has a hinge plate and a J Bracket. The J Bracket attaches to the EZ Port by inserting the J Bracket in the top pocket with the hardware connector in the bottom pocket. This secures the part of the hinge that is mounted on the EZ Port.
The other half of the hinge is a flat bracket that has holes for lag bolts. The two pieces (J Bracket and Hinge Plate) are joined using a hinge pin which slides through the two pieces and is secured with a cotter pin.
Once installed It is easy to remove the Port from the floating dock – you simply pull the cotter pin out and slide the pin out – and your EZ Port is disconnected.
Note: Depending on the free board of your existing floating dock the hinge plate can be mounted in the up (raised position above the J bracket) or at the same height as the J Bracket.
One hinge kit is adequate for securing up to three EZ Ports depending on the degree of rough water at the site.
The “key” to a successful installation is marking the location for the lag bolts.
- mount the J Bracket and secure it to the EZ Port
- slide the hinge pin through the J Bracket and the hinge plate and secure it with a cotter pin
- while standing/kneeling on the EZ Port hold the hinge plate against the existing floating dock and mark where the lag bolts will be located.
KEY – you must have your weight on the EZ Port and no one on the dock you are attaching to when you mark the position for the lag bolts. This negative load will then insure that when your PWC is on the EZ Port the back end will rise and keep the jet drive completely out of the water. The negative load on the installation when marking the spot for the lag bolts is critical.
Increasing the Efficiency of your EZ Port 2, 3 and 4
We hear from customers that it is difficult to launch their watercraft and they have to strain and lift the machine with one or more people pushing.
There are two things you can do to eliminate this problem and make launching and docking easy for any owners:
1. Grease the rollers each year: this requires a special tip that will fit on any grease gun and you can use the Lincoln Grease Needle LNC-5803 (see photo below). This part is available from many other online tool stores on the web (google Lincoln Grease Needle LNC-5803).
2. Adjust the rollers: the watercraft should be resting on the rollers, not the dock. If they are adjusted properly the machine will rock slightly from side to side when on the dock which keeps the watercraft off the dock while launching or docking. There are several roller adjustments you can make that either raise or lower the rollers with the third roller (on the Port 3) the most critical.

When installing the skate wheel roller and spacer for difficult to move machines make sure the roller is placed in this position on each side of the Port Max.
This will provide the best platform on which to roll the machine, especially the more difficult hull of some of the Yamaha PWCs.
Every PWC should roll easily on and off the dock using this wheel position.

To keep your docks looking like new simply use a power washer and use the high pressure stream of water to remove dirt and grime. A good high pressure power washer should clean your docks without any soap or cleaner most of the time.

The industry’s first dock ladder to remove itself automatically when not in use is now available for fixed and floating docks. Gone is the marine growth and barnacles that have been a part of every ladder prior to the introduction of the FloatStep ladder.
Flip up ladders, pull up ladders and all other variations of dock ladders fail when someone forgets to remove the ladder after each use. Fixed ladder steps remaining in the water are a constant problem to customers causing injury and aggravation. Even if you have a removable ladder the increased danger of being in the water unexpectedly and not being able to access the ladder is a greater risk.
How to measure for a FloatStep Ladder
- Measure from the top of your dock to the lowest water mark.
- Add a minimum of one (1) foot to measurement.
- The resultant number tells you how many steps your ladder should have – see Example below.
Note : Adding the additional 1 foot length to the measurement will allow for safe and constant ladder availability.

- The top of your dock to the lowest water mark measures 3 ft.
- Add 1 ft. to your measurement
- You will need a 4 Step ladder
If you need a floating dock with different heights EZ Dock can be stacked two, three or four levels high.
This is a common application when different levels are required for boarding different boats that have different heights. One section of the dock could have a 13″ free board, another 26″, another 39″.
Your EZ Dock Dealer can assist you in the hardware required to accomplish this type of installation. Often times commercial transport applications required different levels of dock for loading.

To uncouple EZ Dock section your will need a socket adapter tool which fits on a standard 3/4” socket drive. The tool is an adapter that will fit the coupler nut that holds the top and bottom coupler together between the dock sections. The socket adapter has a star shapped pattern that is designed to fit into the same pattern on the coupler nut.
The black couplers (some people call the dog bones due to their similar shape) consist of a top coupler, bottom bottom coupler and a black plastic poly bolt and nut. The only “trick” to taking the dock sections apart is not to lose the bottom coupler which can fall out if you do not use a string on the coupler bolt for retrieval (see note below regarding string).
Simply back off the plastic nut and remove the top coupler with a flat screw driver prying it out of the dock pocket. This will expose the black poly bolt that is left – do this for each coupler in the line that is holding the one dock section together. Only disconnect one dock at a time.
- There are six couplers if docks are joined side to side
- There are four couplers between the 80″ X 10′ dock sections
- There are three couplers between a 60″ X 10′ dock sections
- There are two couplers between the 40″ X 10′ dock sections

Remove only one row of coupler nuts at a time (one dock section at a time).
Once you have the nut and top black coupler removed tie a string using a “slip knot” around the threads of each coupler bolt that is exposed and replace the coupler nut over the string. Stradling the two dock sections that are joined rock the docks and the coupler bottom and bolt will fall out. Keeping the string in your hand pull the string between the docks and bring the couplers to the top of the dock (otherwise the bottom coupler and bolt will fall to the bottom – they do not float).
Pipe Brackets
Pipe brackets can be removed in a similar manner – the Heavy Duty pipe brackets use couplers, the Light Duty pipe brackets use screws to join the upper and lower pieces.
Piling Brackets
Piling brackets can be disconnected easily.
Hinge Kits
Hinges kits simply have a cotter pin and straight pin that is removed to separate an EZ Dock that was connected to a wood dock.
Dock Cleats
Cleats on a dock make it easy to secure the dock section after it is disconnected from the system and the cleats are strong enough to allow a dock section to be lifted by dock lines on the cleats if you have a way to hoist the dock section.
Otherwise just pull the dock section on to what dock is left and then carry it from the water via the gangway or beach path.
The socket adapater is part number 900005 and has a cost of $1. The official name of the part is DRIVE TOOL SOCKET FOR COMPOSITE PRODUCT.
Removing Couplers
If you are removing couplers for any reason remove the nut on the top coupler, tie a string around the threads of the bolt that the nut was covering and rock the dock by standing over the connection point. The bottom coupler will drop out and you can retrieve the bottom coupler and bolt easily for re-use.Many times a cracked or punctured EZ Dock section can be repaired by simply melting the polyethylene dock material with a torch or plastic welding iron (a large hot metal iron that melts the plastic together). Occasionally we have customers that have punctured or cut the dock with bullets, boat propeller from an outboard engine or some other accident and we use an old dock section to piece a repair and melt that into the open hole. If you have stress cracks near coupler pockets they normally occur after constant large storms due to extreme pressure on the dock. At times these cracks can be repaired in the same manner, melting the material together, but if it is in place that receives a lot of stress it may not hold.
The EZ Dock system includes couplers which are designed to break before a dock section cracks which is the reason the docks are provided with an 8 year warranty. EZ Dock is the most durable dock system available today and issues regarding cracks from storm damage are extremely rare.
You also have a “weep hole” on the end of each dock section that allows the dock to change pressure inside as atmospheric conditions change outside. At times in rough water we have seen water enter the docks through the weep hole but this is normally in salt water applications where waves are bouncing off a bulkhead and back into the dock system. This year EZ Dock introduced a new vent which can be used that will prevent any water from entering the dock regardless of rough water conditions. These can be inserted into a hole in the end of the dock while you seal the original “vent hole” that has been included since the docks were invented 20 years ago. You can plug the old vent hole with any silicone material similar to bathtub caulk.
Draining docks is a simple process – drill a hole in one corner on the edge of the dock near the top, drain the water, and purchase a threaded plastic plug from Home Depot of the same size you make the hole, the plug will prevent water from entering the dock through the drain hole you created. Since the entire dock section is an open chamber only one hole is required to drain the entire dock.
ez dock Owners Manuals
View our variety of EZ Dock configurations, accessories, such as our kayak rack and Sunstream Floatlift, ramps and gangways, EZ Ports and ADA approved EZ Launch.
EZ Dock is proud to partner with Sourcewell (formerly known as NJPA — The National Joint Powers Alliance). Sourcewell is a national cooperative government partner that focuses on your success by giving you a less complicated way to purchase what you need. By handling the competitive bid process for you, Sourcewell enables you to satisfy local bid requirements quickly and effectively.
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To learn more about how EZ Dock Montana can help you find that perfect floating dock please feel free to contact us about any of our products or services.